Loreto Uniform & Dress Code
School Uniform
- School crested jumper – maroon for junior students and green for senior students
- Navy trousers
- White shirt
- Flat back shoes or navy ‘deck’ shoes
- P.E. uniform
- Loreto tracksuit with white polo shirt or
- Loreto crested hoodie, white polo shirt and plain navy tracksuit bottom & runners.
- Green school fleece – optional
- School skirt – optional – must be knee length
Uniform items are available from local shops. Some retailers facilitate saving schemes for the purchase of uniforms and shoes.
Optional items:
- Bottle green skirt and opaque black tights. N.B. The skirt as sold in local shops is A-line and a standard knee length. If inappropriate alterations are made so that a skirt is no longer A-line or no longer knee length, the pupil will be requested to replace it with the correct and unaltered skirt or to wear school trousers instead.
- Students who are members of choirs from Second Year upwards will need the knee length green skirt for choir performances.
- Green fleece top with crest as sold in local shops.
- N.B. Pupils are not allowed to wear any other type of fleece or jacket on the school premises. The fleece is not an alternative to a school jumper and should be worn indoors only during very cold weather.
Pupils are earnestly requested to take pride in their uniform and to make sure that it is always in good condition. Frayed or torn items of uniform should be repaired or replaced.
- Junior pupils are not allowed to wear make up of any kind.
- Senior pupils must not wear conspicuous makeup.
- Facial jewellery is not allowed.
- If a pupil wishes to wear earrings, she may wear one pair only of small stud type earrings. No other style of earring is permitted.
- A pupil may wear one plain chain with a medal or small plain medallion.
- One plain ring may be worn.
- At no time should valuable jewellery of any kind be worn in school, as it will have to be removed for certain classes and may get lost.