Loreto Secondary School Fermoy:
Student Leadership Team 2015 – 2016.
Head Girl: Molly Kennedy.
Deputy Head Girls: Tríona Kenny & Zoe Sohun.
Senior Prefects: Amy Barry, Katie Bartley, Maeve Horgan, Rioghnach Hyland, Sarah Noonan, Áine O’Brien, Úna O’Brien, Mollie O’Sullivan, Laura Roche.
The senior leadership team are elected each year from the 6th year group. Regular meetings take place with the 6th Year Head to discuss a wide variety of issues relating to school life. The senior prefects act as role models and mentors for all the students in our school and help to build and promote a positive, safe and happy school environment by their presence, example and support.
Being a senior prefect in Loreto Secondary School enables our students to develop personally into effective leaders, it creates cohesion between the 6th year students and the rest of the student body and it aims to use the strengths of the senior prefects to benefit and inspire our younger students.
The following are an agreed list of duties of the senior leadership team:
A senior prefect is expected to give good example in class and around the school by:
wearing the correct school uniform and clearly display their prefect’s badge
having excellent attendance and punctuality
respecting the school’s facilities
co-operating at all times with all staff members
Where possible each Prefect is assigned to a specific class in Junior Cycle. The prefect develops a relationship with the class and acts as liaison between Year Head/ Class tutor. Within these classes the senior prefect is expected to promote good behaviour and positive school spirit and to encourage class participation in school events and activities.
Senior prefects are asked to:
be alert for vulnerable students in their assigned classes.
be approachable and a positive force within the school community.
work with student council where and if appropriate.
help to keep school grounds litter free.
represent the school by participating in and supporting school events inside and outside the school
encourage, support and celebrate participation in school activities, including extra-curricular activities.
notify the relevant authority of any breakages or damage to school property.